Al Ain Stadium - Abu Dhabi
Al Ain Stadium - Abu Dhabi
Fitzroy Place - London
One Pancras Square - London
Two Pancras Square - London
Viva Barhriya Pearl - Doha
Black Friars - London
School Van de biodiversit...
BNP Paribas Fortis - Brus...
BNP Paribas Fortis Hoofdk...
CBTC - Louvain-la-Neuve
UCL - Marshgate - Londen
The Paul Marshall Institu...
Hotel Ibis - Dubaï
Novotel - Luxembourg
The Lofts - Downtown Dubaï
Woods - Leuven
Boulevard Central - Dubaï
Athletes' Village - London
Espace Clement Ader - Tou...
Sainte-Marie Hospital - P...
Kop van Kessel-Lo - Leuven
Housing thermal refurbish...
Georges Mandel High Schoo...
Nautica - Bredene
La Garenne Colombes High ...
Fire hall - Antwerp
Zwembadsite - Louvain
Eurovillage - Brussels